Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Purmamarca, el cerro de los siete colores

In the northern province of Jujuy, near the borders of chile and bolivia lies the Quebrada de Humahuaca.  Within this range is the cerro de los siete colores - a cluster of mountains containing just about every color imageinable.  At the base of these mountains is the pueblo of Purmamarca.  Beyond the Cerro is the salinas grande - a large salt flat.  The blue pools that appear in the photos come from mining the salt.  Anywho, I´ve never really been good at nature photography, just because I´ve never really done it much.  But here´s what I´ve got, I definately enjoy it a lot more when I have something so overwhelmingly beautiful to take photos of.

 En el cerro

Las Salinas 

The moon!  Or salt flats...

Self-portrait in my adventure shoes

 El Cerro


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