Sunday, March 11, 2012

Adelante a Argentina!

Here in Córdoba I´m working at a magazine called La Luciérnaga, which means "firefly" in Spanish.  It´s a magazine sold by street kids ("kids" is used loosely, these guys are anywhere from mid-teens to mid-twenties).  More than a magazine, La Luciérnaga is a place where the guys can go each day for breakfast and lunch, and where mothers can find clothes, diapers, and formula for their kids if they need it.  But most importantly, as Tata, the Luciérnaga´s social worker informed me, it gives the guys who sell the magazine a bit of structure in their lives.

My job here is to help with whatever they need, in addition to being their photographer.  I´ve been helping to organize the library - cleaning shelves and books, as well as helping to assemble the most recent magazine that came out this past week.

The back gate - an artist named Cuello did all of the paintings around the building

La Luciérnaga!

The kids of one of the girls who comes in

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